Wednesday 8 April 2009


Day 24 - 080409

Yoga this morning, meditation and juice. Oddly this is the second morning in a row of waking up without an alarm clock at 7.29am. On the dot. It's gradual but I am noticing the reduction in sleep that I need right now. Rest, less running around, less heavy food, less food, less internal baggage and no toxins makes such a difference! More water always.

So its Day 24 and I feel amazing. Let it be known that this is not the usual feeling around such a number. 4 day countdown and my whole system would usually be gearing up for pre-moon freakout!

Day 1/27 - 110409
Dreams of hooping - Working on the chopper and its landing. Astral traveling to Bend, Oregon for the North West Hoop Gathering? In the flow. Hooping hooping hooping. Dreams of cleaning houses and spaces for babies and the building of new projects. Fighting negativity vigilantly and staying away from chat boxes... they have become too limiting and frustrating in terms of genuine communication. Prefer voices on the telephone these daze, even an email or a letter seems to have more depth than the k haha brb lol omg... disintegrated language of the day. Skype on its way jetsetters! Loving quality time in StarLand both solitary and with the Scorpion and the SupaStar GemStar aka GlitterGirl last week. A shift in the vision map. Also a review of yesterday's Colour Parade to come - such fun and high vibe energy that lit up the grey streets of Sydney's city. WOW!

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